mer 4 septembre 2019 0 Par Ibmiiste

Voi­ci un site où trou­ver de tout sur IBM i(system i, iSe­ries, AS400), cela parle aus­si bien de ten­dance éco­no­mique autour de ce sys­tème que de pro­gram­ma­tion, astuces où de pen­sées personnelles.

  • par Alex Woo­die
    Foun­ders of smal­ler IBM i and Sys­tem z soft­ware ven­dors who are loo­king to sell their com­pa­nies before they retire may want to check out a new ven­ture cal­led Izzi Soft­ware. In an inter­view with IT Jungle, the exe­cu­tives hea­ding the star­tup explain that it has a man­date to spend mil­lions of pri­vate equi­ty dollars […]
  • par Timo­thy Pri­ckett Mor­gan
    IBM’s stock price is kis­sing $260 a share, and this is a level that, adjus­ted for stock splits, the com­pa­ny has not seen since before it ran up on the rocks in the ear­ly 1990s as its main­frame busi­ness and AS/400 busi­ness all shrank at the same time that RISC/Unix sys­tems and X86 gear in […]
  • par Alex Woo­die
    When it comes to lan­guages and tools for deve­lo­ping appli­ca­tions on IBM i, there are a ton of options avai­lable for cus­to­mers. Thanks to the PASE run­time, a varie­ty of open source lan­guages and run­times have been brought to the plat­form, not to men­tion the time-tes­ted ILE tech­no­lo­gies from IBM. But what do IBM i […]
  • par Timo­thy Pri­ckett Mor­gan
    Some­times, num­bers are so large they become almost mea­nin­gless. If I say $1 tril­lion or $5 tril­lion to you, do you real­ly have a sense of it except rela­ti­ve­ly to some other num­ber in the same order of magni­tude ? You can feel the change, but you can’t feel the actual magni­tude of the actual number ? […]
  • par Doug Bid­well
    Wel­come to Februa­ry ! Pun­x­su­taw­ney Phil has pre­dic­ted six more weeks of win­ter after being awa­ke­ned from his slum­ber and seeing his sha­dow in the wes­tern Pen­nyl­va­nia town that is the adjec­tive of the groundhog’s for­mal name. But, then again, don’t be too upset about the lin­ge­ring win­ter. This fur­ry pro­gnos­ti­ca­tor is only right 39 percent […]