mer 4 septembre 2019 0 Par Ibmiiste

Voi­ci un site où trou­ver de tout sur IBM i(system i, iSe­ries, AS400), cela parle aus­si bien de ten­dance éco­no­mique autour de ce sys­tème que de pro­gram­ma­tion, astuces où de pen­sées personnelles.

  • par Alex Woo­die
    The need for mul­ti-fac­tor authen­ti­ca­tion (MFA) has never been higher, as cyber­cri­mi­nals conti­nue to com­pro­mise cor­po­rate and govern­men­tal sys­tems to steal data and hold sys­tems for ran­som. That mar­ket need has led Raz-Lee Secu­ri­ty to add seve­ral new fea­tures to its MFA solu­tion that should help its cus­to­mers stop, or at least signi­fi­cant­ly slow, unauthorized […]
  • par Alex Woo­die
    Access Client Solu­tions (ACS) users who are tired of wai­ting for data­base fields to resolve in the Run SQL Scripts (RSS) faci­li­ty will be hap­py to hear that IBM felt their pain and RSS will return data much more qui­ck­ly to return data with ACS ver­sion, which IBM ship­ped ear­lier this month. The speed-up […]
  • par Jeff Tick­ner
    In this world, there are always more than two ways to skin a cat, but the best way to skin any cat is the way you alrea­dy know how to do it. The same is true of appli­ca­tion deve­lop­ment from within a DevOps tool­chain. When moder­ni­zing deve­lop­ment pro­cesses on IBM i, the most effi­cient thing […]
  • par Jen­ny Tho­mas
    Mil­lion, bil­lion, tril­lion. The way these words get thrown around has made us desen­si­ti­zed to what they real­ly mean. But we did stop short when we saw a sto­ry asking if IBM could become a tril­lion-dol­lar stock by 2030. You will have to read the top head­line below to see how rea­lis­tic of a goal […]
  • par Alex Woo­die
    The latest release of Rocket’s change mana­ge­ment tool for IBM i brings seve­ral new capa­bi­li­ties, inclu­ding impro­ved sup­port for VS Code and Free Form RPG. Rocket DevOps ver­sion 10.3.1 also brings bet­ter code tes­ting capa­bi­li­ties and will help com­pa­nies com­ply with new regu­la­tions, such as the EU’s Digi­tal Ope­ra­tions Resi­lience Act (DORA). Rocket Soft­ware added […]