mer 4 septembre 2019 0 Par Ibmiiste

Voi­ci un site où trou­ver de tout sur IBM i(system i, iSe­ries, AS400), cela parle aus­si bien de ten­dance éco­no­mique autour de ce sys­tème que de pro­gram­ma­tion, astuces où de pen­sées personnelles.

  • par Timo­thy Pri­ckett Mor­gan
    Throu­ghout the his­to­ry of IBM sys­tems, there are exe­cu­tives who steer the deve­lop­ment of hard­ware and those that steer the deve­lop­ment of micro­code, ope­ra­ting sys­tems, and other soft­ware. Still others at Big Blue manage the pro­ces­sor road­maps as well as the evo­lu­tion of the sys­tems that make use of them, inclu­ding all of the peripherals […]
  • par Alex Woo­die
    The new year is sha­ping up to be a big one for IBM i. A new release of the ope­ra­ting sys­tem is expec­ted, as is a new pro­ces­sor and new ser­vers built with them. Old uti­li­ties are sla­ted to get the axe, but no one is quite sure how far IBM will cut. And then […]
  • par Alex Woo­die
    Last month, IBM began sel­ling sub­scrip­tions to Migrate While Active, a new offe­ring desi­gned to speed and sim­pli­fy the migra­tions of IBM i work­loads from cus­to­mers’ on-prem ins­tal­la­tions to Power Vir­tual Ser­ver run­ning in IBM Cloud. Big Blue also last month hos­ted an online Gui­ded Tour webi­nar that pro­vi­ded some much-nee­ded ans­wers to ques­tions about […]
  • par Timo­thy Pri­ckett Mor­gan
    Wel­come to 2025, eve­ry­bo­dy. Nothing too big has hap­pe­ned on the IBM i front as far as we know, excep­ting the appoint­ment of a new vice pre­sident for pro­duct mana­ge­ment for the Power Sys­tems line, which we report on elsew­here in this issue. But a lot of lit­tle thing have hap­pe­ned in recent weeks that […]
  • par Doug Bid­well
    With The Four Hun­dred on hia­tus for the holi­days in late Decem­ber and ear­ly Janua­ry, we are playing catch up with edi­tions of the IBM i PTF Guide. This week, we will close out 2024 with the final three edi­tions put toge­ther in Decem­ber. Let’s start with Volume 26, Num­ber 48, which came out December […]