mer 4 septembre 2019 0 Par Ibmiiste

Voi­ci un site où trou­ver de tout sur IBM i(system i, iSe­ries, AS400), cela parle aus­si bien de ten­dance éco­no­mique autour de ce sys­tème que de pro­gram­ma­tion, astuces où de pen­sées personnelles.

  • par Alex Woo­die
    If you haven’t heard yet, here it is : IBM is plan­ning to make a major IBM i announ­ce­ment soon. IBM i chief archi­tect Steve Will said as much during his recent IBM i Gui­ded Tour. While Will sha­red a gene­ral out­line of what IBM has in mind for the major announ­ce­ment, spe­ci­fics still are few […]
  • par Timo­thy Pri­ckett Mor­gan
    If flash sto­rage is ever going to replace disk sto­rage, and there are good rea­sons to believe that at some point it will, this will hap­pen because flash becomes nor­mal and offers a mix of tech­ni­cal and eco­no­mic rea­sons why it is worth a small pre­mium – not a huge one, mind you – compared […]
  • par Ste­ven McI­ver
    Having a disas­ter reco­ve­ry plan is cru­cial for many busi­nesses run­ning on IBM i. The data that resides on these sys­tems is often mis­sion cri­ti­cal to the busi­ness. Imple­men­ting a stra­te­gy for disas­ter reco­ve­ry is tough. Plan­ning and actual­ly exe­cu­ting on the stra­te­gy is even tou­gher. Even with excellent plan­ning, role swap tests to a […]
  • par Alex Woo­die
    What hap­pens when you need data from an old backup tape, but no lon­ger have the vin­tage IBM hard­ware it was backed up from, let alone a sub­scrip­tion to the appli­ca­tion it was crea­ted from nor the backup soft­ware it was crea­ted with ? If you find your­self in such a pre­di­ca­ment, the folks at S2|Data […]
  • par Doug Bid­well
    If you are using Ratio­nal Deve­lo­per for i to create appli­ca­tions and your com­pa­ny uses the Sin­gu­la­ri­ty end­point mana­ger from Sen­ti­ne­lOne, then you might be having an issue. Accor­ding to this notice from IBM, after upda­ting Win­dows 11 to 24H2, Ratio­nal Deve­lo­per for i may be ended abrupt­ly by Sen­ti­ne­lOne. IBM adds : “There may […]